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Deconstructing the Original Champlain Bridge on St. Lawrence River and Seaway, Montréal

Angled aerial view of the Champlain Bridge on the Seaway during deconstruction
Photo courtesy of The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated

Tetra Tech is assisting The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated (JCCBI) to supervise the deconstruction of the original Champlain Bridge and implement a creative design-build solution.


The deconstruction of the 3.4 kilometer original Champlain Bridge, situated within a dense urban environment and constrained by a narrow right-of-way, presented environmental, social, and economic challenges. The project involved managing the movement of significant volumes of materials—250,000 tonnes of concrete; 25,000 tonnes of steel; and 12,000 tonnes of paving—all of which had to be recycled, reused, or repurposed. Tetra Tech, in partnership with JCCBI, aimed to set the standard for sustainable development and environmental practices in bridge deconstruction.


As the owner’s engineer, Tetra Tech tackled these challenges by conducting critical environmental assessments and using a progressive design-build technique to execute the project. Our team applied this unconventional technique not only to advance the client’s detailed designs, but also to support creative solutions to meet environmental objectives and implement various deconstruction methods for the old structures. Our transportation experts delivered results that met technical, cost, and schedule objectives and complied with safety, quality, and sustainability project requirements.

We conducted comprehensive analyses of human, natural, and wildlife environments, as well as factors related to navigation and maintenance of economic and other activities along the St. Lawrence River and Seaway. These analyses informed the development of ambitious compensation and restoration programs, including initiatives to support fish habitats. To maximize the value of materials, Tetra Tech introduced an innovative Global Positioning System (GPS) traceability system that identifies materials for recycling and reuse. We worked closely with JCCBI to help them meet their goals, and to coordinate and manage the imposing deconstruction project. Moreover, we are contributing to the Héritage Champlain commemorative project, which will support the redevelopment of public spaces to benefit the community.


  • Leveraged environmental research and best practices for the successful deconstruction
  • Deployed an unprecedented GPS traceability system to identify materials to be recycled
  • Maintained navigation on the seaway, providing access to the Great Lakes
  • Completed the project two months before the three-year deadline
Dismantling the main section of the Champlain Bridge on the Seaway
Photo courtesy of The Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated